Screenwriters Association

The Screenwriters Association (formerly Film Writers' Association) is a labour union based in Mumbai, India. Members are authors, novelists, playwrights, and journalists who work in films, TV, and digital media. The Screenwriters Association is an autonomous body, for the writers and by the writers. On September 27, 2020 the Screenwriters Association held its first ever award ceremony, for writers, by writers.The SWA Awards 2020 announced winners in 15 categories, out of 16 categories at an online award ceremony. The list of winners are as below:

Screenwriters Association

The Screenwriters Association (formerly Film Writers' Association) is a labour union based in Mumbai, India. Members are authors, novelists, playwrights, and journalists who work in films, TV, and digital media. The Screenwriters Association is an autonomous body, for the writers and by the writers. On September 27, 2020 the Screenwriters Association held its first ever award ceremony, for writers, by writers.The SWA Awards 2020 announced winners in 15 categories, out of 16 categories at an online award ceremony. The list of winners are as below: