Sedum cyprium

Sedum cyprium, the Cyprus stonecrop, is an erect, monocarpic, succulent herb with an unbranched stem, 10–30 cm high. Leaves succulent, simple and entire reddish in sunny positions, the basal leaves in rosettes, hairless, spathulate, 3-6 x 1–2 cm, the higher leaves are thinly glandular and spirally arranged. Its numerous actinomorphic flowers are greenish or reddish, gathered in a cylindrical panicle. Sedum cyprium flowers from June to September. Its fruit has a many-seeded follicle.

Sedum cyprium

Sedum cyprium, the Cyprus stonecrop, is an erect, monocarpic, succulent herb with an unbranched stem, 10–30 cm high. Leaves succulent, simple and entire reddish in sunny positions, the basal leaves in rosettes, hairless, spathulate, 3-6 x 1–2 cm, the higher leaves are thinly glandular and spirally arranged. Its numerous actinomorphic flowers are greenish or reddish, gathered in a cylindrical panicle. Sedum cyprium flowers from June to September. Its fruit has a many-seeded follicle.