Segner wheel

The Segner wheel or Segner turbine is a type of water turbine invented by Johann Andreas Segner in the 18th century. It uses the same principle as Hero's aeolipile. The device is placed in a suitable hole in the ground (or at the slope of a hill). The water is delivered to the top of a vertical cylinder, at the bottom of which is a rotor with specially bent pipes with nozzles (see image). Due to the hydrostatic pressure, the water is ejected from the nozzles, causing the rotor to rotate. The useful torque is transferred to a powered device through a belt and pulley system.

Segner wheel

The Segner wheel or Segner turbine is a type of water turbine invented by Johann Andreas Segner in the 18th century. It uses the same principle as Hero's aeolipile. The device is placed in a suitable hole in the ground (or at the slope of a hill). The water is delivered to the top of a vertical cylinder, at the bottom of which is a rotor with specially bent pipes with nozzles (see image). Due to the hydrostatic pressure, the water is ejected from the nozzles, causing the rotor to rotate. The useful torque is transferred to a powered device through a belt and pulley system.