Selberg zeta function

The Selberg zeta-function was introduced by Atle Selberg . It is analogous to the famous Riemann zeta function where is the set of prime numbers. The Selberg zeta-function uses the lengths of simple closed geodesics instead of the primes numbers. If is a subgroup of SL(2,R), the associated Selberg zeta function is defined as follows, or where p runs over conjugacy classes of prime geodesics (equivalently, conjugacy classes of primitive hyperbolic elements of ), and N(p) denotes the length of p (equivalently, the square of the bigger eigenvalue of p). The zeros are at the following points:

Selberg zeta function

The Selberg zeta-function was introduced by Atle Selberg . It is analogous to the famous Riemann zeta function where is the set of prime numbers. The Selberg zeta-function uses the lengths of simple closed geodesics instead of the primes numbers. If is a subgroup of SL(2,R), the associated Selberg zeta function is defined as follows, or where p runs over conjugacy classes of prime geodesics (equivalently, conjugacy classes of primitive hyperbolic elements of ), and N(p) denotes the length of p (equivalently, the square of the bigger eigenvalue of p). The zeros are at the following points: