Semantic grid

A semantic grid is an approach to grid computing in which information, computing resources and services are described using the semantic data model. In this model, the data and metadata are expressed through facts (small sentences), becoming directly understandable for humans. This makes it easier for resources to be discovered and combined automatically to create virtual organizations (VOs). The descriptions constitute metadata and are typically represented using the technologies of the Semantic Web, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF).

Semantic grid

A semantic grid is an approach to grid computing in which information, computing resources and services are described using the semantic data model. In this model, the data and metadata are expressed through facts (small sentences), becoming directly understandable for humans. This makes it easier for resources to be discovered and combined automatically to create virtual organizations (VOs). The descriptions constitute metadata and are typically represented using the technologies of the Semantic Web, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF).