Separated brethren

Separated brethren is a term sometimes used by the Catholic Church and its clergy and members to refer to baptized members of other Christian traditions. The phrase is a translation of the Latin phrase fratres seiuncti. At least one Catholic writer, William J. Whalen, did not consider Mormons and members of some other religious groups to be separated brethren. Among the groups Whalen did not consider to be "separated brethren" were "Jews, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Muslims, Buddhists, and other groups".

Separated brethren

Separated brethren is a term sometimes used by the Catholic Church and its clergy and members to refer to baptized members of other Christian traditions. The phrase is a translation of the Latin phrase fratres seiuncti. At least one Catholic writer, William J. Whalen, did not consider Mormons and members of some other religious groups to be separated brethren. Among the groups Whalen did not consider to be "separated brethren" were "Jews, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Muslims, Buddhists, and other groups".