Septimal semicomma

In music, the septimal semicomma, a seven-limit semicomma, is the ratio 126/125 and is equal to approximately 13.79 cents . It is also called the small septimal comma and the starling comma after its use in . Factored into primes it is: Or as simple just intervals: Thus it is the difference between three minor thirds of 6/5 plus a septimal minor third of 7/6 and an octave (2/1). This comma is important to certain tuning systems, such as septimal meantone temperament.

Septimal semicomma

In music, the septimal semicomma, a seven-limit semicomma, is the ratio 126/125 and is equal to approximately 13.79 cents . It is also called the small septimal comma and the starling comma after its use in . Factored into primes it is: Or as simple just intervals: Thus it is the difference between three minor thirds of 6/5 plus a septimal minor third of 7/6 and an octave (2/1). This comma is important to certain tuning systems, such as septimal meantone temperament.