Severn tunnel (1810)

The Severn tunnel of 1810 was an unsuccessful plan for a tramroad tunnel beneath the River Severn. The tunnel was to cross the river at Arlingham Passage, at a location between Newnham on Severn and Bullo Pill on the west bank, to the promontory near Arlingham on the east. Some masonry work, including a portion of tunnel lining, can still be seen in a field near Bullo today.

Severn tunnel (1810)

The Severn tunnel of 1810 was an unsuccessful plan for a tramroad tunnel beneath the River Severn. The tunnel was to cross the river at Arlingham Passage, at a location between Newnham on Severn and Bullo Pill on the west bank, to the promontory near Arlingham on the east. Some masonry work, including a portion of tunnel lining, can still be seen in a field near Bullo today.