Shōchō Hagami

Shōchō Hagami (葉上照澄; August 15, 1903 – March 7, 1989) was a great acharya (大阿闍梨) of Tendai Buddhism and one of the most prominent Japanese Buddhists of the 20th century. He served as President of the Japanese Religious Committee for World Federation and advocated the need for the cooperation of religious leaders, which transcends religious and denominational boundaries.

Shōchō Hagami

Shōchō Hagami (葉上照澄; August 15, 1903 – March 7, 1989) was a great acharya (大阿闍梨) of Tendai Buddhism and one of the most prominent Japanese Buddhists of the 20th century. He served as President of the Japanese Religious Committee for World Federation and advocated the need for the cooperation of religious leaders, which transcends religious and denominational boundaries.