
Sh2-9, also called Gum 65 is combination emission and reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation, surrounding the multiple star system Sigma Scorpii. The nebula is a few arcminutes to the northeast to Messier 4, and can be easily seen by small telescopes. Sharpless 9 is a red emission nebula that surrounds the star Sigma Scorpii. It is thought the star Sigma Scorpii, a variable giant star, is ionizing this region. It is also recorded as reflection nebula C130. This region is noted as both an emission and reflection nebula, although sometimes only one aspect is noted.


Sh2-9, also called Gum 65 is combination emission and reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation, surrounding the multiple star system Sigma Scorpii. The nebula is a few arcminutes to the northeast to Messier 4, and can be easily seen by small telescopes. Sharpless 9 is a red emission nebula that surrounds the star Sigma Scorpii. It is thought the star Sigma Scorpii, a variable giant star, is ionizing this region. It is also recorded as reflection nebula C130. This region is noted as both an emission and reflection nebula, although sometimes only one aspect is noted.