Sherbrooke Missal

The Sherbrooke Missal (NLW MS 15536E) is one of the earliest examples of a Missal that was produced in England, dating from circa 1310 to 1320. Only two other Missals from an English source are known to pre-date the Sherbrooke Missal. However, the Sherbrooke Missal is unusual as it contains many beautiful miniatures which are depictions of the manuscript's text. These images are similar in style to those found in the British Library's Queen Mary Psalter, which is also from the early fourteenth century. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 1r. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 13r. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 19v.

Sherbrooke Missal

The Sherbrooke Missal (NLW MS 15536E) is one of the earliest examples of a Missal that was produced in England, dating from circa 1310 to 1320. Only two other Missals from an English source are known to pre-date the Sherbrooke Missal. However, the Sherbrooke Missal is unusual as it contains many beautiful miniatures which are depictions of the manuscript's text. These images are similar in style to those found in the British Library's Queen Mary Psalter, which is also from the early fourteenth century. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 1r. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 13r. * Sherbrooke Missal, folio 19v.