
Shisochin (四向戦) is a kata of naha-te karate style, whose authorship has been mentioned as Kanryo Higaonna. There are two theories that explain the origins of kata shisochin: the first suggests that the shape or style comes from white heron or the Tiger, Shaolin kung fu, the other it is from mantis style. The kata is symmetrical. And, alternating atemi waza, there are also projection techniques - nage waza - and grasping.


Shisochin (四向戦) is a kata of naha-te karate style, whose authorship has been mentioned as Kanryo Higaonna. There are two theories that explain the origins of kata shisochin: the first suggests that the shape or style comes from white heron or the Tiger, Shaolin kung fu, the other it is from mantis style. The kata is symmetrical. And, alternating atemi waza, there are also projection techniques - nage waza - and grasping.