Shoes (GUI toolkit)

Shoes is a GUI toolkit based on the Ruby programming language. It was originally developed by Jonathan Gillette (why the lucky stiff), and others are carrying on with it after his disappearance. Shoes runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (GTK+), using the underlying technologies of Cairo and Pango. Shoes' philosophy is one of simplicity. It's designed to make applications as easy as possible. Here's an example Shoes app: :title => "Push Button" do @note = para "Nothing pushed so far" button "Push me" do @note.replace "Aha! The button was pushed!" endend

Shoes (GUI toolkit)

Shoes is a GUI toolkit based on the Ruby programming language. It was originally developed by Jonathan Gillette (why the lucky stiff), and others are carrying on with it after his disappearance. Shoes runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (GTK+), using the underlying technologies of Cairo and Pango. Shoes' philosophy is one of simplicity. It's designed to make applications as easy as possible. Here's an example Shoes app: :title => "Push Button" do @note = para "Nothing pushed so far" button "Push me" do @note.replace "Aha! The button was pushed!" endend