Shubhodaya controversy

The Shubhodaya Controversy is related to the heated debates in India about a court case that happened in 1919 around a newspaper article in the Kannada language daily . Under the title "Allama, Basava Vrittantavenu? (What is the Description of Allama and Basava, dated 18 April 1919), R. Shrinivasacharya wrote certain historical details which allegedly tarnished the image of Basavanna and Allama. This article triggered the wrath of the Lingayatas and resulted in Siddaramappa Pawate, a well known legal practitioner and a Lingayata scholar, suing Shrinivasacharya in the first grade Magistrate court of Dharwad.

Shubhodaya controversy

The Shubhodaya Controversy is related to the heated debates in India about a court case that happened in 1919 around a newspaper article in the Kannada language daily . Under the title "Allama, Basava Vrittantavenu? (What is the Description of Allama and Basava, dated 18 April 1919), R. Shrinivasacharya wrote certain historical details which allegedly tarnished the image of Basavanna and Allama. This article triggered the wrath of the Lingayatas and resulted in Siddaramappa Pawate, a well known legal practitioner and a Lingayata scholar, suing Shrinivasacharya in the first grade Magistrate court of Dharwad.