Siege of Constantine

The 1837 Siege of Constantine was decided by Louis Philippe I and the head of his government, Count Molé in the summer of 1837. At the time, during the consolidation of the July Monarchy and recovery economic prosperity, the king was considering dissolving of the Chamber of Deputies. As with Charles X's 1830 expedition to Algiers, the king of France was seeking more votes in the upcoming elections by offering the country military glory and revenge for Clausel's failed expedition against Constantine in 1836.

Siege of Constantine

The 1837 Siege of Constantine was decided by Louis Philippe I and the head of his government, Count Molé in the summer of 1837. At the time, during the consolidation of the July Monarchy and recovery economic prosperity, the king was considering dissolving of the Chamber of Deputies. As with Charles X's 1830 expedition to Algiers, the king of France was seeking more votes in the upcoming elections by offering the country military glory and revenge for Clausel's failed expedition against Constantine in 1836.