Siege of Fort Bard

The Siege of Fort Bard (also known as Bard Fort) was a military action that took place during May 1800 during the second Napoleonic Italian campaign and stopped the French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte and his Armée de Reserve with approximately 40,000 men for two weeks. The Bard Fort was commanded by Captain Josef Stockard von Bernkopf with approximately 300 Austrian troops and 100 Piedmontese soldiers.

Siege of Fort Bard

The Siege of Fort Bard (also known as Bard Fort) was a military action that took place during May 1800 during the second Napoleonic Italian campaign and stopped the French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte and his Armée de Reserve with approximately 40,000 men for two weeks. The Bard Fort was commanded by Captain Josef Stockard von Bernkopf with approximately 300 Austrian troops and 100 Piedmontese soldiers.