Silence (Balmont)

Silence (Russian: Тишина, romanized: Tishina, subtitled "Lyric poems", Лирические поэмы) is a third poetry collection by Konstantin Balmont, first published in August 1898 in Saint Petersburg, by Alexey Suvorin's Publishing House. Following In Boundlessness (1895), it features 77 poems, most of which were based upon the author's impressions of his 1896-1897 European journey which took him to Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain, where he read Russian poetry in Oxford. The book's epigraph, "There is some kind of universal hour of silence" (Есть некий час всемирного молчанья) comes from Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Videniye" (The Vision, Видение).

Silence (Balmont)

Silence (Russian: Тишина, romanized: Tishina, subtitled "Lyric poems", Лирические поэмы) is a third poetry collection by Konstantin Balmont, first published in August 1898 in Saint Petersburg, by Alexey Suvorin's Publishing House. Following In Boundlessness (1895), it features 77 poems, most of which were based upon the author's impressions of his 1896-1897 European journey which took him to Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain, where he read Russian poetry in Oxford. The book's epigraph, "There is some kind of universal hour of silence" (Есть некий час всемирного молчанья) comes from Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Videniye" (The Vision, Видение).