Simons Foundation

The Simons Foundation is a private foundation established in 1994 by Marilyn and Jim Simons with offices in New York City. The foundation — one of the largest charitable organizations in the US, with assets of over $4 billion in 2019 — makes grants in "four program areas: mathematics and physical sciences; life sciences; autism research; and education & outreach." In 2016, the foundation launched the Flatiron Institute, a multidisciplinary academic research entity focused on computation.

Simons Foundation

The Simons Foundation is a private foundation established in 1994 by Marilyn and Jim Simons with offices in New York City. The foundation — one of the largest charitable organizations in the US, with assets of over $4 billion in 2019 — makes grants in "four program areas: mathematics and physical sciences; life sciences; autism research; and education & outreach." In 2016, the foundation launched the Flatiron Institute, a multidisciplinary academic research entity focused on computation.