Six Figures (film)

Six Figures is a Canadian psychological thriller film, directed by David Christensen and released in 2005. An adaptation of the novel of the same name by Fred Leebron, the film stars JR Bourne as Warner Lutz, a man struggling with the stresses and frustrations of trying to maintain his upwardly mobile executive lifestyle who becomes the primary suspect when his wife Claire (Caroline Cave) is left comatose by a violent physical attack.

Six Figures (film)

Six Figures is a Canadian psychological thriller film, directed by David Christensen and released in 2005. An adaptation of the novel of the same name by Fred Leebron, the film stars JR Bourne as Warner Lutz, a man struggling with the stresses and frustrations of trying to maintain his upwardly mobile executive lifestyle who becomes the primary suspect when his wife Claire (Caroline Cave) is left comatose by a violent physical attack.