Slim De Grey

Clifford Frank de Grey (20 May 1918 – 16 March 2007), better known as Slim De Grey, was an English-Australian actor, compere, musician, lyricist, composer and comedian. He served in the Australian Army during World War II, seeing action in the Malayan campaign with the 2/10th Field Ambulance, part of the 8th Division of the Second Australian Imperial Force. He became a POW at the fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 and was imprisoned in Changi Prison until the end of the war. While at Changi he composed, presented and produced shows.

Slim De Grey

Clifford Frank de Grey (20 May 1918 – 16 March 2007), better known as Slim De Grey, was an English-Australian actor, compere, musician, lyricist, composer and comedian. He served in the Australian Army during World War II, seeing action in the Malayan campaign with the 2/10th Field Ambulance, part of the 8th Division of the Second Australian Imperial Force. He became a POW at the fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 and was imprisoned in Changi Prison until the end of the war. While at Changi he composed, presented and produced shows.