So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away

So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away is a novel written by Richard Brautigan, published in 1982. The story is about a narrator in 1979 remembering the events that happened when he was 13 in 1948. The young narrator lives in a lower class suburban Oregon neighborhood and collects beer bottles or does favors for neighbors to earn money. He also spends time alone fishing in a pond on the outskirts of town. Each chapter of the novel begins with the words "so the wind won't blow it all away...Dust...American...Dust".

So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away

So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away is a novel written by Richard Brautigan, published in 1982. The story is about a narrator in 1979 remembering the events that happened when he was 13 in 1948. The young narrator lives in a lower class suburban Oregon neighborhood and collects beer bottles or does favors for neighbors to earn money. He also spends time alone fishing in a pond on the outskirts of town. Each chapter of the novel begins with the words "so the wind won't blow it all away...Dust...American...Dust".