Social Housing Services Corporation

The Social Housing Services Corporation (SHSC) operated in the Province of Ontario, Canada to provide group services for social housing providers, non-profit housing and co-operative housing following the downloading of responsibility for over 270,000 social housing units to local municipalities. SHSC was a business corporation created under the Social Housing Reform Act of 2000. SHSC became operational in February 2002.The 15 member SHSC board was made up of provincial, municipal, non-profit and co-op housing representatives. Its mandate was to provide Ontario housing providers and service managers with bulk purchasing, insurance, investment and training programs.

Social Housing Services Corporation

The Social Housing Services Corporation (SHSC) operated in the Province of Ontario, Canada to provide group services for social housing providers, non-profit housing and co-operative housing following the downloading of responsibility for over 270,000 social housing units to local municipalities. SHSC was a business corporation created under the Social Housing Reform Act of 2000. SHSC became operational in February 2002.The 15 member SHSC board was made up of provincial, municipal, non-profit and co-op housing representatives. Its mandate was to provide Ontario housing providers and service managers with bulk purchasing, insurance, investment and training programs.