Society for Economic Botany

The Society for Economic Botany is an international learned society covering the field of economic botany. It was established in 1959. Its official journal is Economic Botany, published on their behalf by Springer Science+Business Media and the New York Botanical Garden Press. The society also publishes a biannual newsletter, Plants and People. The society organizes annual meetings at different locations around the world, where it awards the prize of Distinguished Economic Botanist to particularly meritorious individuals.

Society for Economic Botany

The Society for Economic Botany is an international learned society covering the field of economic botany. It was established in 1959. Its official journal is Economic Botany, published on their behalf by Springer Science+Business Media and the New York Botanical Garden Press. The society also publishes a biannual newsletter, Plants and People. The society organizes annual meetings at different locations around the world, where it awards the prize of Distinguished Economic Botanist to particularly meritorious individuals.