Songwe River

The Songwe River is a river that forms the international boundary between Malawi and Tanzania. The Songwe's headwaters are where the borders of Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia meet. It flows southeast to empty into Lake Malawi. The middle course separates Malawi's Misuku Hills from the Umalila Mountains in Tanzania. The lower course flows through the Kyela Plain, a fertile lowland lying northwest of Lake Malawi the valley of the East African Rift. The Kyela Plain is cultivated intensively with rice and other crops.

Songwe River

The Songwe River is a river that forms the international boundary between Malawi and Tanzania. The Songwe's headwaters are where the borders of Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia meet. It flows southeast to empty into Lake Malawi. The middle course separates Malawi's Misuku Hills from the Umalila Mountains in Tanzania. The lower course flows through the Kyela Plain, a fertile lowland lying northwest of Lake Malawi the valley of the East African Rift. The Kyela Plain is cultivated intensively with rice and other crops.