Spanish Alternative

Spanish Alternative (Spanish: Alternativa Española, AES) is a far-right political party in Spain. It describes itself as "social Christian and cross-sectional". Its Secretary General is the lawyer and businessman Rafael López-Diéguez, former member of the far-right New Force, active formation during the Transition and managed by his father-in-law, the historic leader Blas Piñar, who was named honorary president of AES, a post which he held until his death in January 2014.

Spanish Alternative

Spanish Alternative (Spanish: Alternativa Española, AES) is a far-right political party in Spain. It describes itself as "social Christian and cross-sectional". Its Secretary General is the lawyer and businessman Rafael López-Diéguez, former member of the far-right New Force, active formation during the Transition and managed by his father-in-law, the historic leader Blas Piñar, who was named honorary president of AES, a post which he held until his death in January 2014.