
Spider is a British musical children's television mini-series made by Hibbert Ralph Entertainment for the BBC, that was originally aired on BBC One from 26 September to 30 December 1991. It followed the adventures of a spider, the protagonist, and a young boy (however, the boy was only present in eleven of the thirteen episodes). The stories were told through song, and performed by Jeff Stevenson with his children, Casey and Holly, singing backing vocals.


Spider is a British musical children's television mini-series made by Hibbert Ralph Entertainment for the BBC, that was originally aired on BBC One from 26 September to 30 December 1991. It followed the adventures of a spider, the protagonist, and a young boy (however, the boy was only present in eleven of the thirteen episodes). The stories were told through song, and performed by Jeff Stevenson with his children, Casey and Holly, singing backing vocals.