Split infinitive

In the English language, a split infinitive or cleft infinitive is a grammatical construction in which a word or phrase is placed between the particle to and the infinitive that comprise a to-infinitive. In traditional English grammar, the bare infinitive (e.g. go) is extended by the particle to in order to produce the to-infinitive phrase (sometimes termed a full infinitive), to go. A split infinitive occurs when one or more items, as an adverb or adverbial phrase, separates the particle and the infinitive.

Split infinitive

In the English language, a split infinitive or cleft infinitive is a grammatical construction in which a word or phrase is placed between the particle to and the infinitive that comprise a to-infinitive. In traditional English grammar, the bare infinitive (e.g. go) is extended by the particle to in order to produce the to-infinitive phrase (sometimes termed a full infinitive), to go. A split infinitive occurs when one or more items, as an adverb or adverbial phrase, separates the particle and the infinitive.