St. Cumin of Mayo

Saint Cuimín (also Cummin, etc.) is an Irish saint associated with the parish of Kilcummin (Irish: Cill Chuimín "The church of Cuimín") in the barony of Tirawley, County Mayo. Kilcummin, a headland to the west of Killala Bay, preserves the remains of a religious site, with a church of early date and a graveyard.

St. Cumin of Mayo

Saint Cuimín (also Cummin, etc.) is an Irish saint associated with the parish of Kilcummin (Irish: Cill Chuimín "The church of Cuimín") in the barony of Tirawley, County Mayo. Kilcummin, a headland to the west of Killala Bay, preserves the remains of a religious site, with a church of early date and a graveyard.