St. George & St. Mary Mother of God Macedonian Orthodox Church, Epping

St. George & St. Mary Mother of God Macedonian Orthodox Church (Macedonian: Македонска Православна Црква „Св. Ѓорѓи и Пресвета Богородица“, Makedonska Pravoslavna Crkva „Sv. Ǵorǵi i Presveta Bogorodica“) is the Macedonian Orthodox church located in Epping, a suburb of northern Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Constructed in 1995, the church is built next to the Macedonian Community Centre. Attendance by parishioners averages at some 200 per liturgy. Orthodox services are conducted in Macedonian. From the late 2010s English language services are also performed, due to the changing needs of the congregation.

St. George & St. Mary Mother of God Macedonian Orthodox Church, Epping

St. George & St. Mary Mother of God Macedonian Orthodox Church (Macedonian: Македонска Православна Црква „Св. Ѓорѓи и Пресвета Богородица“, Makedonska Pravoslavna Crkva „Sv. Ǵorǵi i Presveta Bogorodica“) is the Macedonian Orthodox church located in Epping, a suburb of northern Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Constructed in 1995, the church is built next to the Macedonian Community Centre. Attendance by parishioners averages at some 200 per liturgy. Orthodox services are conducted in Macedonian. From the late 2010s English language services are also performed, due to the changing needs of the congregation.