St. Nicolas Church in Louny

St. Nicholas Church in Louny (Czech: Chrám svatého Mikuláše v Lounech) is a Roman Catholic, parochial church dedicated to Saint Nicholas, located in Louny, Czech Republic. The 1517 fire destroyed the nave and damaged the tower of the original church. Afterwards it was designed and rebuilt by royal architect Benedikt Rejt. After it was finished in 1538, it became one of the supreme pieces of Czech late Gothic. The temple has three naves, with external support system, round arches and pyramid-shaped turrets.

St. Nicolas Church in Louny

St. Nicholas Church in Louny (Czech: Chrám svatého Mikuláše v Lounech) is a Roman Catholic, parochial church dedicated to Saint Nicholas, located in Louny, Czech Republic. The 1517 fire destroyed the nave and damaged the tower of the original church. Afterwards it was designed and rebuilt by royal architect Benedikt Rejt. After it was finished in 1538, it became one of the supreme pieces of Czech late Gothic. The temple has three naves, with external support system, round arches and pyramid-shaped turrets.