St. Prophet Ilija Macedonian Orthodox Church, Footscray

The St. Prophet Ilija Macedonian Orthodox Church (Macedonian: Македонска Православна Црква „Свети Пророк Илија“, Makedonska Pravoslavna Crkva „Sveti Prorok Ilija“) is a Macedonian Orthodox church serving the inner western Melbourne suburb of Footscray, Victoria, Australia. The church borders Footscray and is itself located on the outskirts of Seddon, a inner western Melburnian suburb. Built as a Methodist Church, it was transformed into a Macedonian Orthodox Church in the mid 1970s.

St. Prophet Ilija Macedonian Orthodox Church, Footscray

The St. Prophet Ilija Macedonian Orthodox Church (Macedonian: Македонска Православна Црква „Свети Пророк Илија“, Makedonska Pravoslavna Crkva „Sveti Prorok Ilija“) is a Macedonian Orthodox church serving the inner western Melbourne suburb of Footscray, Victoria, Australia. The church borders Footscray and is itself located on the outskirts of Seddon, a inner western Melburnian suburb. Built as a Methodist Church, it was transformed into a Macedonian Orthodox Church in the mid 1970s.