St. Servatius Church

The Catholic Church of St. Servatius (Gereja Katolik Santo Servatius in Indonesian) in , Bekasi, West Java is a parish consisting of mostly Catholic Christians from Betawi in the Kampung Sawah area. Betawi culture is still shown by church members through the use of Betawi language and vocabulary which is derived from the Malay language. In Kampung Sawah itself the Betawi culture has survived even though some parts of it have become extinct. One of the Betawi cultural rituals that have survived, although undergoing changes, is bebaritan or what is currently known as the sedekah bumi or earth's Almsgiving. Uniquely, this ritual is currently carried out at the Parish of Santo Servatius Kampung Sawah.

St. Servatius Church

The Catholic Church of St. Servatius (Gereja Katolik Santo Servatius in Indonesian) in , Bekasi, West Java is a parish consisting of mostly Catholic Christians from Betawi in the Kampung Sawah area. Betawi culture is still shown by church members through the use of Betawi language and vocabulary which is derived from the Malay language. In Kampung Sawah itself the Betawi culture has survived even though some parts of it have become extinct. One of the Betawi cultural rituals that have survived, although undergoing changes, is bebaritan or what is currently known as the sedekah bumi or earth's Almsgiving. Uniquely, this ritual is currently carried out at the Parish of Santo Servatius Kampung Sawah.