St John Ambulance Australia New South Wales

St John Ambulance Australia (N.S.W.) (St John NSW) is a self-funding first aid service charitable organisation dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. It is part of an international organisation that consists of eight Priories that form the Order of St John. The organisation is sometimes incorrectly referred to "St John's Ambulance" or "St Johns Ambulance" instead of "St John Ambulance".

St John Ambulance Australia New South Wales

St John Ambulance Australia (N.S.W.) (St John NSW) is a self-funding first aid service charitable organisation dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. It is part of an international organisation that consists of eight Priories that form the Order of St John. The organisation is sometimes incorrectly referred to "St John's Ambulance" or "St Johns Ambulance" instead of "St John Ambulance".