Standard German

Standard German, High German, or more precisely Standard High German (German: Standarddeutsch, Hochdeutsch, Standardhochdeutsch or, in Switzerland, Schriftdeutsch), is the standardized variety of the German language used in formal contexts and for communication between different dialect areas. It is a pluricentric Dachsprache with three codified (or standardised) specific regional variants: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German, and Swiss Standard German. As of 2020, there were 132 million speakers of Standard German, mostly concentrated in German-speaking Europe.

Standard German

Standard German, High German, or more precisely Standard High German (German: Standarddeutsch, Hochdeutsch, Standardhochdeutsch or, in Switzerland, Schriftdeutsch), is the standardized variety of the German language used in formal contexts and for communication between different dialect areas. It is a pluricentric Dachsprache with three codified (or standardised) specific regional variants: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German, and Swiss Standard German. As of 2020, there were 132 million speakers of Standard German, mostly concentrated in German-speaking Europe.