Stanley Graze

Stanley Graze was an economist from New York City. He graduated from and lectured at the City College of New York and had a master's degree from Columbia University. He was employed by various Wall Street firms, the State Department, and the United Nations. He was alleged to have been a Soviet spy based on a transcription of the Gorsky Memo. While working as an officer in the Office of Strategic Services, Graze participated in intelligence missions in Europe, based out of London during World War II. Graze received an Honorable Discharge at the end of his military service.

Stanley Graze

Stanley Graze was an economist from New York City. He graduated from and lectured at the City College of New York and had a master's degree from Columbia University. He was employed by various Wall Street firms, the State Department, and the United Nations. He was alleged to have been a Soviet spy based on a transcription of the Gorsky Memo. While working as an officer in the Office of Strategic Services, Graze participated in intelligence missions in Europe, based out of London during World War II. Graze received an Honorable Discharge at the end of his military service.