Star Trek: Starship Creator

Star Trek: Starship Creator is a computer-based vehicle simulation game developed by Imergy and released by Simon & Schuster Interactive in 1998 for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, based on the official license of the Star Trek franchise. Elements in the game were created in conjunction with the technical advisers for the series and films, such as Mike and Denise Okuda. The gameplay in Starship Creator allowed for the player to equip and crew a series of different starship classes from across the Star Trek universe, including those from both the various series and the film series. An expanded version was subsequently released as Star Trek: Starship Creator Deluxe in late 1999 which added further starships, missions and customization. The official website also contained downloads for the

Star Trek: Starship Creator

Star Trek: Starship Creator is a computer-based vehicle simulation game developed by Imergy and released by Simon & Schuster Interactive in 1998 for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS, based on the official license of the Star Trek franchise. Elements in the game were created in conjunction with the technical advisers for the series and films, such as Mike and Denise Okuda. The gameplay in Starship Creator allowed for the player to equip and crew a series of different starship classes from across the Star Trek universe, including those from both the various series and the film series. An expanded version was subsequently released as Star Trek: Starship Creator Deluxe in late 1999 which added further starships, missions and customization. The official website also contained downloads for the