Star Wars: The Clone Wars (novel)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, written by Karen Traviss, is the novelization of the animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The audio book is narrated by Jeff Gurner. It is the first in a series of five novels designed to tie into the events of the movie and the animated series. The book was released almost three weeks before the film was released. Because of this there are some discrepancies between the book and the film. This book, like the movie and series, is set between Star Wars: Episode II and Episode III.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (novel)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, written by Karen Traviss, is the novelization of the animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The audio book is narrated by Jeff Gurner. It is the first in a series of five novels designed to tie into the events of the movie and the animated series. The book was released almost three weeks before the film was released. Because of this there are some discrepancies between the book and the film. This book, like the movie and series, is set between Star Wars: Episode II and Episode III.