
Starfaring is a science fiction role-playing game created by Ken St. Andre and published by Flying Buffalo in August 1976. Starfaring is a science-fiction roleplaying game, published in the summer of 1976. Although TSR's science-fantasy game Metamorphosis Alpha (1976) lists an earlier copyright date, it was not readily available until the end of that year, and so Starfaring can lay credible claim to being the first science fiction rpg.


Starfaring is a science fiction role-playing game created by Ken St. Andre and published by Flying Buffalo in August 1976. Starfaring is a science-fiction roleplaying game, published in the summer of 1976. Although TSR's science-fantasy game Metamorphosis Alpha (1976) lists an earlier copyright date, it was not readily available until the end of that year, and so Starfaring can lay credible claim to being the first science fiction rpg.