Stephen Dale Petit at High Voltage

Stephen Dale Petit At High Voltage is a live album by Stephen Dale Petit released on 15 March 2015. The performance was recorded at London's High Voltage Festival in 2010 by the Ronnie Lane Mobile Recording Unit. Originally released on Vinyl in 2012, the limited run of 1,000 copies quickly sold out, prompting a digital re-release in 2015 to cater for high demand for the album. The album was one of the first in the UK to be released on Neil Young's hi-fidelity digital format, PONO.

Stephen Dale Petit at High Voltage

Stephen Dale Petit At High Voltage is a live album by Stephen Dale Petit released on 15 March 2015. The performance was recorded at London's High Voltage Festival in 2010 by the Ronnie Lane Mobile Recording Unit. Originally released on Vinyl in 2012, the limited run of 1,000 copies quickly sold out, prompting a digital re-release in 2015 to cater for high demand for the album. The album was one of the first in the UK to be released on Neil Young's hi-fidelity digital format, PONO.