Stimmen Verstummen

Stimmen... Verstummen... (Russian Слышу... Умолкло..., English Voices... Silence...) is a symphony in twelve movements by Russian-Tatar composer Sofia Gubaidulina. It was written in 1986 and dedicated to the conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky, who gave the first performance in West Berlin with the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra on September 4, 1986. It takes the two words of its title from a poem by .

Stimmen Verstummen

Stimmen... Verstummen... (Russian Слышу... Умолкло..., English Voices... Silence...) is a symphony in twelve movements by Russian-Tatar composer Sofia Gubaidulina. It was written in 1986 and dedicated to the conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky, who gave the first performance in West Berlin with the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra on September 4, 1986. It takes the two words of its title from a poem by .