Stooge sort

Stooge sort is a recursive sorting algorithm. It is notable for its exceptionally bad time complexity of O(nlog 3 / log 1.5 ) = O(n2.7095...).The running time of the algorithm is thus slower compared to reasonable sorting algorithms, and is slower than Bubble sort, a canonical example of a fairly inefficient sort. It is however more efficient than Slowsort. The name comes from The Three Stooges. The algorithm is defined as follows:

Stooge sort

Stooge sort is a recursive sorting algorithm. It is notable for its exceptionally bad time complexity of O(nlog 3 / log 1.5 ) = O(n2.7095...).The running time of the algorithm is thus slower compared to reasonable sorting algorithms, and is slower than Bubble sort, a canonical example of a fairly inefficient sort. It is however more efficient than Slowsort. The name comes from The Three Stooges. The algorithm is defined as follows: