Stosh Cotler

Stosh Cotler (born 1968) is an American activist. She serves as Chief Executive Officer of Bend the Arc, a progressive Jewish political organization that blends advocacy, community organizing, and leadership training. Born in Olympia, Washington, Cotler became involved with advocacy work while living in Portland, Oregon. In Portland, she founded an organization which offered self defense, violence prevention and empowerment training for girls and women. She was also involved with advocating for Palestinian rights and protested Israel's treatment of Palestinians during the Second Intifada.

Stosh Cotler

Stosh Cotler (born 1968) is an American activist. She serves as Chief Executive Officer of Bend the Arc, a progressive Jewish political organization that blends advocacy, community organizing, and leadership training. Born in Olympia, Washington, Cotler became involved with advocacy work while living in Portland, Oregon. In Portland, she founded an organization which offered self defense, violence prevention and empowerment training for girls and women. She was also involved with advocating for Palestinian rights and protested Israel's treatment of Palestinians during the Second Intifada.