Studio Theatre in Łódź

The Studio Theatre in Łódź (Polish: Teatr Studyjny przy PWSFTiT im. Schillera) is one of the oldest theatres in Łódź (Poland), having been built in 1870. Since 1998, it was managed by the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre, and in 2002 the theatre became the school's property.

Studio Theatre in Łódź

The Studio Theatre in Łódź (Polish: Teatr Studyjny przy PWSFTiT im. Schillera) is one of the oldest theatres in Łódź (Poland), having been built in 1870. Since 1998, it was managed by the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre, and in 2002 the theatre became the school's property.