
Sugarshock! was an online comic written by Joss Whedon and illustrated by Fábio Moon. It was hosted on Myspace as part of Dark Horse Presents. It won a 2008 Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic. The comic is about a struggling rock band that goes on zany, sci-fi oriented adventures. The tone of the comic is light and humorous. The band is anchored by a spunky, red-haired Asian girl named Dandelion who really hates Vikings (despite probably being one) and engages in nonsensical discussions that sometimes turn out to be true.


Sugarshock! was an online comic written by Joss Whedon and illustrated by Fábio Moon. It was hosted on Myspace as part of Dark Horse Presents. It won a 2008 Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic. The comic is about a struggling rock band that goes on zany, sci-fi oriented adventures. The tone of the comic is light and humorous. The band is anchored by a spunky, red-haired Asian girl named Dandelion who really hates Vikings (despite probably being one) and engages in nonsensical discussions that sometimes turn out to be true.