Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki

Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki, also known as the Snowlets are the mascots of the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano and are four snowy owls. They represent respectively fire (Sukki), air (Nokki), earth (Lekki) and water (Tsukki) and together they represent the four major islands of Japan. The choice of four mascots is a nod to the four years that make up an Olympiad. In addition, the first two letters of the four names form the word “snowlets”. The first two letters of each of the other owls’ names spell out the second part of “snowlets,” being “lets”. “Snow” recalls the winter season, during which the Games take place, and “lets” refers to “let’s”, an invitation to join in the Games celebrations. “Owlets” means young owls. The four Snowlets' names were chosen from among 47,484 suggestions. T

Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki

Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki, also known as the Snowlets are the mascots of the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano and are four snowy owls. They represent respectively fire (Sukki), air (Nokki), earth (Lekki) and water (Tsukki) and together they represent the four major islands of Japan. The choice of four mascots is a nod to the four years that make up an Olympiad. In addition, the first two letters of the four names form the word “snowlets”. The first two letters of each of the other owls’ names spell out the second part of “snowlets,” being “lets”. “Snow” recalls the winter season, during which the Games take place, and “lets” refers to “let’s”, an invitation to join in the Games celebrations. “Owlets” means young owls. The four Snowlets' names were chosen from among 47,484 suggestions. T