
A takfiri (Arabic: تَكْفِيرِيّ‎, takfīriyy lit. Excommunicational) is a Muslim who commits takfir, i.e. accuses another Muslim(s) of apostasy, i.e. of not being a true Muslim(s), potentially a cause of strife and violence in the Muslim community (ummah), since the sharia punishment for apostacy is death. Takfirism has been called a "minority ideology" which "advocates the killing of other Muslims declared to be unbelievers".


A takfiri (Arabic: تَكْفِيرِيّ‎, takfīriyy lit. Excommunicational) is a Muslim who commits takfir, i.e. accuses another Muslim(s) of apostasy, i.e. of not being a true Muslim(s), potentially a cause of strife and violence in the Muslim community (ummah), since the sharia punishment for apostacy is death. Takfirism has been called a "minority ideology" which "advocates the killing of other Muslims declared to be unbelievers".