Tangentiale Verbindung Ost

The East Tangential Link - in German Tangentiale Verbindung Ost (TVO) - is a road project connecting the Eastern boroughs of Berlin, Germany. It was fully described in the Transport Master Plan for the GDR Capital ("Generalverkehrsplan der Hauptstadt der DDR") in 1969 but it is unfinished to date. The original six lane expressway design has been cut back over time.

Tangentiale Verbindung Ost

The East Tangential Link - in German Tangentiale Verbindung Ost (TVO) - is a road project connecting the Eastern boroughs of Berlin, Germany. It was fully described in the Transport Master Plan for the GDR Capital ("Generalverkehrsplan der Hauptstadt der DDR") in 1969 but it is unfinished to date. The original six lane expressway design has been cut back over time.