Tanneguy du Châtel

Tanneguy III du Châtel (also spelt Tanguy; 1369–1449) was a Breton knight who fought in the Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War and the Hundred Years' War. A member of the Armagnac party, he became a leading adviser of King Charles VII of France, and was one of the murderers of Duke John the Fearless of Burgundy in 1419.

Tanneguy du Châtel

Tanneguy III du Châtel (also spelt Tanguy; 1369–1449) was a Breton knight who fought in the Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War and the Hundred Years' War. A member of the Armagnac party, he became a leading adviser of King Charles VII of France, and was one of the murderers of Duke John the Fearless of Burgundy in 1419.