Tarot de Maléfices

Le Tarot de Maléfices (French: "The Tarot of Evil Acts") was a tarot deck designed for Maléfices, a French occult and conspiracy role-playing game created in 1985 by publisher Jeux Descartes, set in 1870–1914 in Belle Époque France. It is supposed to be the deck authored by Le Club Pythagore (French: "The Pythagorean Society"), a fictional society from the era involved in occultism, spiritualism and magical research.

Tarot de Maléfices

Le Tarot de Maléfices (French: "The Tarot of Evil Acts") was a tarot deck designed for Maléfices, a French occult and conspiracy role-playing game created in 1985 by publisher Jeux Descartes, set in 1870–1914 in Belle Époque France. It is supposed to be the deck authored by Le Club Pythagore (French: "The Pythagorean Society"), a fictional society from the era involved in occultism, spiritualism and magical research.