Taxation in North Korea

Officially, there are no domestic taxes in North Korea. The date of 1 April is the North Korean "Tax Abolition Day". North Korean propaganda claims that North Korea is the world's only tax-free country. The North Korean state, however, still collects revenue from its citizens in the form of hidden taxation through various sales taxes. In particular, the turnover tax from consumption provides for the majority of the state revenue in North Korea. The North Korean state does, therefore, collect revenues, which internationally has been compared to a taxation system, but inside North Korea the word tax is not used, and the term for state revenue has been variously translated as "Socialist Income Accounting", "Socialist Economic Management Income", and in similar fashion.

Taxation in North Korea

Officially, there are no domestic taxes in North Korea. The date of 1 April is the North Korean "Tax Abolition Day". North Korean propaganda claims that North Korea is the world's only tax-free country. The North Korean state, however, still collects revenue from its citizens in the form of hidden taxation through various sales taxes. In particular, the turnover tax from consumption provides for the majority of the state revenue in North Korea. The North Korean state does, therefore, collect revenues, which internationally has been compared to a taxation system, but inside North Korea the word tax is not used, and the term for state revenue has been variously translated as "Socialist Income Accounting", "Socialist Economic Management Income", and in similar fashion.